Make it easy |
- You can register the domains, com, net, org only.
- Enter the domain name you want above(except www.) and click the "search".
- If "available", you could proceed the next step.
- If "not available", go back to "2" and search a new domain name once more.
The rule of the domain name formation |
- You can use the 26 alpha characters and the 10 Arabic numbers(0-9) for the domain name formation.
- You can use the hyphen(-) between the domain name, but cannot use at the very first and the very end of the domain name.
- You cannot use the specific symbol(ex. $, & etc) in the domain name.
- The maximum permissible length in the domain name is the 64 characters.
The correct domain name |
- => 26 alpha characters
- => 10 Arabic numbers
- => 26 alpha characters and the 10 Arabic numbers(0-9)
- => hyphen(-) between the domain name
The incorrect domain name |
- yahoo!.com => not use the specific symbol "!"
- biz& => not use the specific symbol "&"
- cyber => not use a blank
- => not use the specific symbol "."
- => not use a hyphen(-) at the very first and the very end of the domain name.